China: Shandong 山东
How to get to and from hundreds of the world's airports by car, bus, train and other forms of public transport. Updates and requests for inclusion in these pages are welcomed. Information is from many sources including personal visits and may no longer be accurate.
Legal Disclaimer Last Update 19-Aug-12Airport in Chinese characters is written: 機場 or in new characters 机场
Jinan/Ji'Nan 濟南 - Xijiao (TNA):
Airport Website: www.airport-jinan.com
Location: 40 km/25 Miles of the City.
By Taxi: To the city ~CNY 130/40 mins.
By Bus: A Bus runs to the Airline Offices in Town, while another runs to the Silver Plaza Shopping Centre.
Notes from a Traveller October 2009: The departure boards are now bi-lingual, many signs are in English and there are many staff working there who can speak English. I found them very helpful when collecting a ticket at the airport.
Airport Tel No: 694 9400.
Updated Oct09 Ray
Qingdao 青岛 - Liuting (TAO):
Airport Website: www.qingdao-airport.com
Location: 30 km/22 Miles NE of the City.
By Taxi: Toi the city CNY 100-120.
By Bus: To China Eastern Airlines Office in Town. Not frequent. A shuttle bus runs ~every 30 mins to XiangGang Lu where you can connect with other buses. Cost ~CNY15.
Airport Tel No: 484 3331.
Updated Apr03 www
Weifang 潍坊 (WEF):
Location: 5 km/3 miles from the City.
Notes from a Traveller: Mixed civil/miltary airfield. Don't be surprised if attempts are made to put you back on the aircraft during the stopover. All passengers have to exit the plane upon landing even if you are flying elsewhere. It is assumed that no European will get off at Weifang. No facilities except WC and you don't really need them, honestly. No English spoken. Luggage manhandled. Very basic white concrete block is the terminal. Claims it has 17 domestic airlines - I am suprised.
Updated Jul03 AJJ
Weihai 威海 - Dashuipo (WEH):
Location: 37 km/23 Miles SSE of Weihai.
Updated Apr06 www
Yantai 煙台 - Laishan (YNT):
Airport Website: www.yantai-airport.com
Location: 15 km/11 Miles S of the City.
By Taxi: ~CNY 50-70 to the city.
By Bus: Airport bus Y10.
Airport Tel No: 624 1330.
Updated 1996