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How to get to and from hundreds of the world's airports by car, bus, train and other forms of public transport. Updates and requests for inclusion in these pages are welcomed. Information is from many sources including personal visits and may no longer be accurate.
Info welcomed by e-mail to: toandfromtheairport@gmail.comLast Update 23-Jul-15
The information contained within the pages of this site is based on personal experience, reports from friends and colleagues around the world, research, contact with the relevant airports, transport providers & many years of international air travel. Any and all of the pages of this website are subject to change (sometimes several times a day) without notice. Whilst all practical efforts are made to confirm the verity of information on this website, the author accepts no liability whatsoever for any damages arising from information contained herein. You are urged to use caution in all your travels, and to check all details with official sources. www.toandfromtheairport.com is NOT an offical source, and can take no responsibility for any inaccurate information contained within these pages. Links are provided on these pages to many companies and individuals who provide travel related services. These are provided without any recommendation, and the author can accept no responsibility or liability for any damages or otherwise which may result from any transaction with any such company or individual.
All photographs on this site are either taken by me with a NIKON 775, Fuji S500 or by friends. Some are reproduced by kind permission from Brian McMorrow's Website: www.pbase.com/bmcmorrow/. They may not be copied or reproduced without permission.