Russia: Povolzhsky Region
How to get to and from hundreds of the world's airports by car, bus, train and other forms of public transport. Updates and requests for inclusion in these pages are welcomed. Information is from many sources including personal visits and may no longer be accurate.
Legal Disclaimer Last Update 19-Aug-12Airport in Russian is: Аэропорт.
Astrakhan/Астрахань (ASF):
Location: 12 km/7 Miles SSW of the city centre.
By Taxi: Available.
By Bus: Bus #5 runs to the city, connecting the airport with the train station and Lenin Square. Trolleybus #3 runs along a similar route.
Updated Oct04 www
Kazan/Казань (KZN):
Location: 22 km/14 Miles SSE of the city centre.
By Bus: Buses run between the tran station in the city and the airport ~every hour 0400-2230.
Airport Tel No: Info: 379 807.
Updated Oct04 www
Samara/Самара - Kurumoch (KUF):
Location: 31 km/19 Miles N of Samara, 43 km/27 Miles E of Togliatti, near Kurumoch.
By Taxi: Available, but beware of over zealous pricing.
By Bus: Reported to be available.
Updated Jan10 ADV
Ulyanovsk/Ульяновск - Vostochny/Восточный (ULY):
Location: 32 km/20 Miles ENE of Ul'yanovsk city centre.
By Taxi: To the city ~RUR 150.
By Bus: Bus #330 runs to the city. Bus #6 runs to Ulitsa Goncharova, near the Venets Hotel.
Airport Website: www.ulvost.ru.
Airport Tel No: +7 (8) 8422 29 29 20.
Notes: Formerly known as Simbirsk.
Updated Oct04 www
Volgograd/Волгоград - Gumrak (VOG):
Location: 13 km/8 Miles NW of the city centre.
By Taxi: To the city RUR 200-300, but many drivers charge much more.
By Bus: Buses run to the Volga Airlines Office in the city ~every 30 mins.
Airport Website: www.mav.ru.
Updated Oct04 www