Russia: North Region
How to get to and from hundreds of the world's airports by car, bus, train and other forms of public transport. Updates and requests for inclusion in these pages are welcomed. Information is from many sources including personal visits and may no longer be accurate.
Legal Disclaimer Last Update 19-Aug-12Arkhangelsk/Архангельск/Archangel - Talagi (ARH):
Location: 11 km/7 Miles NWE of the city centre.
By Taxi: To the city ~RUR 200.
By Bus: Bus #531 and #12 run from the airport to the bus station in the city ~hourly 0600-1900. ~RUR 15.
Airport Tel No: +7 (8) 8182 23-78-90.
Notes: Talagi is Arkhangelsk's main airport, but there is a secondary airport, Vaskovo, see below, from which flights to the Solovetsky Islands operate.
Updated Oct04 www
Arkhangelsk/Архангельск /Archangel - Vaskovo (ULAH):
Location: 30 km/19 from the city centre.
By Taxi: To the city ~RUR 150+.
Notes: This is Arkhangelsk's secondary airport used mainly for flights to the Sovetsky islands. The main airport is Talagi, above.
Updated Oct04 www
Kirovsk/Кировск/Apatity/Апатиты - Khibiny (KVK):
Location: 5 km/3 Miles SW of Kirovsk & 9 km/6 Miles ENE of Apatity.
By Taxi: Available.
By Bus: To Apatity there is a bus every hour. Bus #130 stops at various places including the Polyarny cinema (kinoteatr Polyarny).
Airport Website: www.kolaklub.com/aero/index.htm.
Updated Oct04 www
Kotlas (KSZ):
Location: 4 km/SE of Kotlas & 57 km/36 Miles NNE of Veliky Ustiug.
Updated Oct04 www
Murmansk/Мурманск (MMK):
Location: 34 km/22 Miles SW of the City Centre.
By Taxi: Up to RUR 500/45 mins. Tel 23 77 70 or 23 70 70.
By Bus: Buses 106 & 106э (the express bus) run between the airport and the city every 20-30 mins. ~RUR 20/30 mins+. Stops at the train station in the city and at Detsky Mir.
Airport Tel No: +7 (815) 258-32-54.
Airport Hotel: Available.
Updated Oct04 www
Syktyvkar (SCW):
Location: Very close to the city centre - a 10 minute walk.
By Bus: The airport is next to the bus station.
Updated Oct04 www
Vologda/Вологда (VGD):
Location: 8 km/5 Miles NNE of the city centre.
By Taxi: Available at a cost of ~RUR 150 per hour. Tel 774175.
Updated Oct04 www