Russia: Far East
How to get to and from hundreds of the world's airports by car, bus, train and other forms of public transport. Updates and requests for inclusion in these pages are welcomed. Information is from many sources including personal visits and may no longer be accurate.
Legal Disclaimer Last Update 19-Aug-12Airport in Russian is: Аэропорт.
Khabarovsk/Хабаровск - Novy (KHV):
Location: 15 km/9 Miles NNE of the city centre.
By Taxi: To the city ~RUR 200-250/15 mins.
By Bus: Trolleybus #1 runs fairly frequently into the city. ~RUR 10/30 mins.
Airport Tel No: +7 (8) 4212 33-73-75.
Updated Oct04 www
Magadan - Sokol (GDX):
Location: 8 km/5 Miles WNW of Sokol & 38 km/24 Miles N of Magadan City.
By Road: 50 km/31 Miles to Magadan.
By Taxi: Available and may cost as much as US$50 to Magadan.
Airport Website: +7 4132 29 33 36.
Updated Jun06 www.
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky/Петропавловск-Камчатский (PKC):
Location: 20 km/12 Miles NNW of Petropavloksk-Kamchatskiy & 5 km/3 Miles E of Yelizovo.
By Taxi: To the city ~RUR 300 or ~US$5.
By Bus: Several buses run into the city from the other side of the car park outside the terminal. They run to the 10km bus station in the city. To get to the city from the airport take Bus #113 or the shuttle with the same number. The bus will cost ~US$0.3, the shuttle US$0.50. Going the other way, the buses are marked Аэропорт/Airport or Yelizovo. ~RUR 15/40-50 mins.
Airport Tel No: +7 (8) 4152 11-16-61.
Updated Oct04 www
Vladivostok/Владивосток - Knevichi (VVO):
Location: 38 km/24 Miles NE of the city centre.
By Road: To the city centre 48 km/30 Miles.
By Taxi: To the city centre ~US$25, but many drivers ask much more.
By Bus: Bus #101 runs infrequently to the train station at Vtoraya Rechka. From there a train runs to the city. Takes up to 2 hrs in total.
By Shuttle Van: An irregular service is reported to run to the city center.
Airport Website: vvo.aero/en.
Updated Mar06
Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk/Южно-Сахалинск (UUS):
Location: 8 km/5 Miles S of the city.
By Taxi: To the city ~RUR 200-250.
By Bus: Buses #63 & 68 run into the city. ~RUR 10/25-30 mins.
Airport Tel No: +7 (8) 424 223-48-78 or 278-43-12.
Updated Oct04 www