How to get to and from hundreds of the world's airports by car, bus, train and other forms of public transport. Updates and requests for inclusion in these pages are welcomed. Information is from many sources including personal visits and may no longer be accurate.
Legal Disclaimer Last Update 13-Aug-12Beira (BEW):
Location: 8 km/5 Miles ENE of Beira city centre.
By Taxi: To the city ~MZN 250/US$ 10, takes15 mins.
Rental Cars: AVIS 301263, Imperial 302650 & Lobata 302521.
Airport Tel No: (03) 301021/908.
Updated Sep07
Maputo (MPM):
Location: 5 km/3 Miles N of the city centre.
By Taxi: To the city MZn ~200/US$ 10, takes 15 mins.
By Bus: Buses 18, 24 & 25 run to the city hourly 0430-2200. MZM 2000.
Rental Cars: Several companies are at the airport including AVIS, Hertz & Imperial.
Airport Tax: Arrival Tax: US$ 2. Departure Tax: Intl US$ 20. Domestic US$ 8. Infants under 2, and transit passengers are exempt. Payment is in MZN, South African Rand or US dollars.
Airport Tel No: + 258 (0)1 465 828 or 829.
Updated Sep07
Nacala (MNC):
Notes: This airport is to be converted into an international airport in the coming years.
Updated Feb11
Nampula (APL):
Location: 4 km/2 Miles E of the city.
By Taxi: To the city ~MZN 150/US$ 6. Moti Taxi 82 352 0970.
Rental Cars: Imperial.
Airport Tel No: (06) 213585 - 2347.
Updated Sep07
Pemba (POL):
Location: 5 km/3 Miles SE of Pemba.
By Taxi: Available at the airport or call (072) 20187.
By Bus: Many local hotels and resorts have shuttles for guests.
Rental Cars: Moti (272) 21687.
Updated Jun06 www
Quelimane (UEL):
Location: 2 km/1 Mile NNW of the city.
By Taxi: Available at the airport, or call (04) 212704.
Updated Jun06 www
Tete (TCV):
Location: 6 km/4 Miles from town.
By Taxi: Not available at this airport.
By Bus: Local minibuses heading from Tete to Moatize pass by the airport.
Updated Sep07
Vilankulo/Vilanculos (VNX):
Location: 3 km/2 Miles S of Vilanculo.
By Taxi: Not available at this airport.
By Bus: Many local hotels provide shuttles for guests.
Updated Jun06 www