China: Inner Mongolia 内蒙古
How to get to and from hundreds of the world's airports by car, bus, train and other forms of public transport. Updates and requests for inclusion in these pages are welcomed. Information is from many sources including personal visits and may no longer be accurate.
Legal Disclaimer Last Update 30-Sep-12Airport in Chinese characters is written: 機場 or in new characters 机场
Baotou 包头 - Jichang (BAV):
Location: 2km/1 Mile SE of Baotou E Railway Station.
By Taxi: To the city centre CNY 25 (1996).
By Bus: Airlines run shuttle buses from their office for Y10. Call in advance to book a seat.
Notes: The Airline ticket office is at 26 Gangtie Dajie, Kunqu (Tel 513 5492), in the Aviation Building next to the Bank of China. Open every day 0830-1200 & 1430-1830.
Airport Tel No: 460 0160.
Updated 2001
Hailar 海拉尔 - Dongshan (HLD):
Location: 8 km/5 Miles E of the city centre.
By Taxi: To the city center CNY 20-30.
By Bus: An airport bus runs to the airline booking office on Qiantou dajie (near the Minzu Hotel) for ~CNY 5.
Updated Aug05 www
Hohhot 呼和浩特 - Baita/Baitou (HET):
Airport Website:www.hohhot-airport.com
Location: 16 km/10 Miles ENE of the City centre.
By Taxi: To the city centre ~CNY 130-160.
By Bus: Buses run from the airlines booking office on Xilin Guole Lu near Zhongshan Lu about 2 hrs before flight departures. Cost ~CNY 25.
Updated Aug05 www