East Timo
How to get to and from hundreds of the world's airports by car, bus, train and other forms of public transport. Updates and requests for inclusion in these pages are welcomed. Information is from many sources including personal visits and may no longer be accurate.
Legal Disclaimer Last Update 15-Sep-12Baucau (BCH):
Location: Near Baucau, 2-3 hours drive from Dili.
Notes: This airport is currently a Military/UN airfield and has no scheduled civilian flights. However, it is rumoured that this airport may once again in the future become the main airport for East Timor, since its runway is larger than Dili's.
Notes From a Traveller September 2011: Baucau Airport is still for official use only and wouldn't be convenient anyway as it's on a plateau several kilometers from Baucau with no local transportation. Public buses between Dili and Baucau (US$4 one way) pass by the entrance to Baucau Airport.
Updated Sep11 D Stanley
Dili - Presidente Nicolau Lobato (DIL):
Location: 5 km/3 miles W of town.
By Taxi: To Dili ~US$5, but only ~US$2 for the trip back to the airport.
By Bus: Lots of minibuses or microlets stop at the traffic circle on the main road, a 5-minute walk from the termina,l and go into Dili for a flat fare of US$0.25.
Rental Cars: Thrifty Car Rental Tel +670 723 1900 or fax +670 332 1078. email: timor@rentacar.com.au. Approx cost US$50 per day for small jeep. Roads are generally in very poor condition.
Notes: US Dollars is the only paper currency circulating in East Timor, but there are local coins (US coins are not used).
Airport Tax: Visas are available on arrival at Dili airport for US$30. Airport Departure Tax US$10.
Updated Sep11 D Stanley